
LymphaTouch® – Therapeutic excellence for faster recovery

The manual therapy solution that improves the lives of both patients and therapists.

Use LymphaTouch® for

Edema management

Soft tissue mobilization

Scar therapy

Pain management

Operating principle

LymphaTouch is a versatile and efficient device that elevates manual therapy to a new level.

The patented technology of LymphaTouch combines negative pressure and mechanical high-frequency vibration, which activates the lymphatic circulation and soft tissues in the treated area.

Customer testmonials

For therapists who want one product that will provide a variety of treatment options, LymphaTouch is definitely worth the investment. Easy to use, effective, and high patient satisfaction, this product is set apart from all others on the market.

Kathy McGinty, PTA, CLT, Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA

The scar is no longer as tight or itchy as it was before the treatment. The scar is smoother and sometimes I might even forget it exists because I don’t feel it the same way as before the treatment.  The treatment felt like a very small thing to do compared to the change that has taken place. I had my doubts about whether a mini-vacuum like that could work

Post c-section mom

LymphaTouch is easy to use, the user interface is clear and clients find the device comfortable to use. The device’s negative pressure creates lift, which is effective for treating scars and tight tissues, among other things. The 10 mm cup of the device is a good addition for the treatment of scars.

Physiotherapist | Orton

My hands wish I had discovered this device years ago and whilst it cannot reverse the arthritic changes that have already occurred in my fingers, it most certainly will minimise further deterioration and already has reduced the pain I previously experienced on a daily basis.

Natalie Perkins | Principal Physiotherapist & Owner | Bodyworks Physiotherapy. Australia

LymphaTouch negative pressure therapy has been an effective treatment from the acute inflammatory phase to the end of rehabilitation for pain relief, edema reduction and injury healing.

Peetu Lehmus | Physiotherapist | Athletic Trainer Peetu Lehmus

As a result of the injury, swelling and tissue fluid packed into the injury area, causing tightness and limited knee mobility. Clear signs of progression were seen about a week after the start of treatment, with a significant reduction in swelling and tightness in the lower limb. The treatment was comfortable and painless from the start.

Finnish National Team X-country skier

LymphaTouch© is one of the best negative pressure devices in the market for its portability and its durability, just what Football needs. It is a great addition for hands on treatment which allows you to reach deeper levels than just hands on alone.

Jose Luis Rodriguez Robledo | PT | Former First Team Physiotherapist at Liverpool FC

From abdominal scar tissue remediation to promote intra abdominal pressure, to preventatively optimizing fascial plane function in and around bony prominences like the Pelvis, Hip and Knee the LymphaTouch© has become an integral technology on tour. It is perfect for acute injury recovery through facilitating lymphatic decompression.

Dr Chris Prosser | B.Sc. B.App.Sc.(Chiro). C.C.S.P | Medical Director, World Surf League
Lymphatouch device, treatment head and green leaves

Upcoming Webinars

LymphaTouch webinars are typically concise 30-minute sessions where we cover current treatment topics. You are welcome to join us for tips on using the device or to get acquainted with the device before making a purchase decision.

Clinical studies

LymphaTouch has been clinically proven to be reliable, effective and safe for a variety of indications in several patient groups.

Check out the research results related to LymphaTouch!

LymphaTouch is used by

Discover the benefits of LymphaTouch for soft tissue mobilization and the mobilization of fascia structures, providing patients with a comfortable therapy experience.

By combining decompression and mechanical vibration, LymphaTouch relaxes fascia structures and alleviates trigger points. 🌬️💙

Ideal for managing chronic musculoskeletal conditions like plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and frozen shoulder, LymphaTouch enhances rehabilitation and promotes faster recovery. 🤗

Explore the diverse features of LymphaTouch in detail on our website (link in the bio)!



Tiesitkö, että LymphaTouch soveltuu mainiosti myös pehmytkudoksen mobilisointiin ja faskiarakenteiden avaamiseen tarjoten potilaille miellyttävän hoitokokemuksen? 

Dekompressiovaikutus yhdistettynä LymphaTouchin mekaaniseen värähtelyominaisuuteen auttaa rentouttamaan faskiarakenteita ja avaamaan triggerpisteitä. 🌬️💙

Erityisen hyödyllinen LymphaTouch on myös pitkäaikaisten tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksien, kuten plantaarifaskiitin, tenniskyynärpään ja jäätyneen olkapään hoidossa. 🤗�

Tutustu tarkemmin LymphaTouchin monipuolisiin ominaisuuksiin verkkosivuillamme (linkki biossa)!

 #lymphatouch #physiotherapytechnology #negativepressure #fysioterapiateknologia #alipaine #kuntoutus #sportmassage #rehabilitation #lymphatherapy #lymphaterapia #softtissuetherapy #softtissuemassage #triggerpointmassage #triggerpointstherapy #fasciatreatment #triggerpistekäsittely #fasciakäsittely #pehmytkudosmobilisointi #pehmytkudoskäsittely

Discover the benefits of LymphaTouch for soft tissue mobilization and the mobilization of fascia structures, providing patients with a comfortable therapy experience.

By combining decompression and mechanical vibration, LymphaTouch relaxes fascia structures and alleviates trigger points. 🌬️💙

Ideal for managing chronic musculoskeletal conditions like plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and frozen shoulder, LymphaTouch enhances rehabilitation and promotes faster recovery. 🤗

Explore the diverse features of LymphaTouch in detail on our website (link in the bio)!



Tiesitkö, että LymphaTouch soveltuu mainiosti myös pehmytkudoksen mobilisointiin ja faskiarakenteiden avaamiseen tarjoten potilaille miellyttävän hoitokokemuksen?

Dekompressiovaikutus yhdistettynä LymphaTouchin mekaaniseen värähtelyominaisuuteen auttaa rentouttamaan faskiarakenteita ja avaamaan triggerpisteitä. 🌬️💙

Erityisen hyödyllinen LymphaTouch on myös pitkäaikaisten tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksien, kuten plantaarifaskiitin, tenniskyynärpään ja jäätyneen olkapään hoidossa. 🤗�

Tutustu tarkemmin LymphaTouchin monipuolisiin ominaisuuksiin verkkosivuillamme (linkki biossa)!

#lymphatouch #physiotherapytechnology #negativepressure #fysioterapiateknologia #alipaine #kuntoutus #sportmassage #rehabilitation #lymphatherapy #lymphaterapia #softtissuetherapy #softtissuemassage #triggerpointmassage #triggerpointstherapy #fasciatreatment #triggerpistekäsittely #fasciakäsittely #pehmytkudosmobilisointi #pehmytkudoskäsittely

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C-section recovery 🙌🏽

Recovering from a C-section can be challenging especially as all of your energy and attention is on your newborn baby. But it’s so important to prevent future issues and you can do it with baby in tow. Babies are always welcome at your appointments with us, whatever you need to have your appointment💛

Adprproduct as we are working with Lymphatouch but so we can provide this wonderful treatment to our clients in clinic #csectionmassage #csectionscar #motherhood #parenting #mumlife #momlife #the360mama #muming #moming #csectionrecovery #lymphatouch

C-section recovery 🙌🏽

Recovering from a C-section can be challenging especially as all of your energy and attention is on your newborn baby. But it’s so important to prevent future issues and you can do it with baby in tow. Babies are always welcome at your appointments with us, whatever you need to have your appointment💛

Adprproduct as we are working with Lymphatouch but so we can provide this wonderful treatment to our clients in clinic #csectionmassage #csectionscar #motherhood #parenting #mumlife #momlife #the360mama #muming #moming #csectionrecovery #lymphatouch

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C-section scar massage 
Stuck down, tight C-section scars can really benefit from the negitive pressure of the Lymphatouch machine. 
Find a local therapsit through the link in our bio. 
Adprproduct as we are working with this company but we approached them so that we could offer this fabtastic treatment to our in person clients #csectionmassage  #csectionscar  #csection  #scar  #scartreatment  #lymphatouch  #the360mama  #csectionmum  #csectionrecovery  #csectionmama

C-section scar massage
Stuck down, tight C-section scars can really benefit from the negitive pressure of the Lymphatouch machine.
Find a local therapsit through the link in our bio.
Adprproduct as we are working with this company but we approached them so that we could offer this fabtastic treatment to our in person clients #csectionmassage #csectionscar #csection #scar #scartreatment #lymphatouch #the360mama #csectionmum #csectionrecovery #csectionmama

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Real life scar massage results 🙌🏽
Wow these scar massage results with just 10 minutes of using targetted negative pressure via the Lympatouch 🙌🏽 (adgifted as we are working with Lymphatouch but why would we not share this with results like this) to find a therapist near you, please click the link in our bio. #csectionscarmassage  #scarmassage  #postpartum  #postnatal  #csectionscar  #lymphatouch  #csectionmum  #csectiondelivery  #csectionrecovery  #the360mama

Real life scar massage results 🙌🏽
Wow these scar massage results with just 10 minutes of using targetted negative pressure via the Lympatouch 🙌🏽 (adgifted as we are working with Lymphatouch but why would we not share this with results like this) to find a therapist near you, please click the link in our bio. #csectionscarmassage #scarmassage #postpartum #postnatal #csectionscar #lymphatouch #csectionmum #csectiondelivery #csectionrecovery #the360mama

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Jalan kuntoutuksessa on ollut apuna alusta lähtien lymphatouch alipainelaite. Alkuvaiheessa laitteella vähennettiin jalan turvotusta ja palautettiin liikkuvuutta🦵 Myöhemmin olen käyttänyt laitetta jalan palautumisen nopeuttamiseen rasituksen jälkeen!

Iso kiitos lymphatouch avusta ja yhteistyöstä!🤝

Jalan kuntoutuksessa on ollut apuna alusta lähtien lymphatouch alipainelaite. Alkuvaiheessa laitteella vähennettiin jalan turvotusta ja palautettiin liikkuvuutta🦵 Myöhemmin olen käyttänyt laitetta jalan palautumisen nopeuttamiseen rasituksen jälkeen!

Iso kiitos lymphatouch avusta ja yhteistyöstä!🤝

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I got introduced to lymphatouch back in 2014 at NLN conference in Washington DC. The device truly intrigued me and I got permission from my manager to get a rental - however the hospital I was working at required a higher liability insurance from the company - though negative pressure device is non invasive - so that path was shut down quickly. 

So I’ve been using other negative pressure device to help my patients - maintain myofascial cupping and sink plunger. 

So when louisaboyd19 offered to treat me with Lymphatouch post surgery, I jumped on it. It definitely felt gentle and effective - my scar tissue seems looser after and the swelling in my rib cage went down (and has not returned since). 

“LymphaTouch® negative pressure treatment can be applied to several treatment areas, including lymphedema, preoperative and postoperative swelling and scarring, fascial tightness, muscle maintenance, active recovery, pain management and improving joint functionality.

The device is designed to support lymphatic drainage. The negative pressure generated by the device helps improve lymphatic circulation[1,2]  in the treated area. In addition to negative pressure, LymphaTouch® has a mechanical high frequency vibration feature.”

Aside from all the benefits above, I love the fact that we can set the exact pressure on the area that we want to treat, and reduce the safety risk of using this type of device on patients with lymphedema or at risk for lymphedema.

Also, as a therapist, I use my hands constantly - and when I used to see 7 patients a day doing mostly manual therapy, it was really hard on my upper body and neck. Using a tool like Lymphatouch can really be beneficial for the patients, but also save our hands!! 

Have you used Lymphatouch before?? How’s your experience? If you’re interested to learn more, please reach out to louisaboyd19 directly as she’s one of the US educators for the company! 

#lymphedema #postopswelling #postopcare #swellingmanagement #lymphedematherapist #fibrosismanagement #scartissue #scartissuemobilization #lymphaticdrainage #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapist #certifiedlymphedematherapist

I got introduced to lymphatouch back in 2014 at NLN conference in Washington DC. The device truly intrigued me and I got permission from my manager to get a rental - however the hospital I was working at required a higher liability insurance from the company - though negative pressure device is non invasive - so that path was shut down quickly.

So I’ve been using other negative pressure device to help my patients - maintain myofascial cupping and sink plunger.

So when louisaboyd19 offered to treat me with Lymphatouch post surgery, I jumped on it. It definitely felt gentle and effective - my scar tissue seems looser after and the swelling in my rib cage went down (and has not returned since).

“LymphaTouch® negative pressure treatment can be applied to several treatment areas, including lymphedema, preoperative and postoperative swelling and scarring, fascial tightness, muscle maintenance, active recovery, pain management and improving joint functionality.

The device is designed to support lymphatic drainage. The negative pressure generated by the device helps improve lymphatic circulation[1,2] in the treated area. In addition to negative pressure, LymphaTouch® has a mechanical high frequency vibration feature.”

Aside from all the benefits above, I love the fact that we can set the exact pressure on the area that we want to treat, and reduce the safety risk of using this type of device on patients with lymphedema or at risk for lymphedema.

Also, as a therapist, I use my hands constantly - and when I used to see 7 patients a day doing mostly manual therapy, it was really hard on my upper body and neck. Using a tool like Lymphatouch can really be beneficial for the patients, but also save our hands!!

Have you used Lymphatouch before?? How’s your experience? If you’re interested to learn more, please reach out to louisaboyd19 directly as she’s one of the US educators for the company!

#lymphedema #postopswelling #postopcare #swellingmanagement #lymphedematherapist #fibrosismanagement #scartissue #scartissuemobilization #lymphaticdrainage #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapist #certifiedlymphedematherapist

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Repost by • @wilk_kevin Technology Tuesday: This is a new device called The LymphaTouch Sport, negative pressure device for dynamic cupping therapy… 
👉 This device  allows the clinician the ability to dial-in the amount of negative pressure up to 350 mmHg...
👉 We are using here on the knee of an ACL reconstructed patient - with the goal to move fluid out of the area and to loosening up tight retinaculum tissue…
👉 We will apply the cupping technique distal to proximal and also perform some cupping proximally stimulating the lymphatic system …
👉 My patients seem to love this device for loosening up tight restricted tissues...I really like this device...the LymphaTouch is from Finland but disturbed by @inreach_health .... 
👉 This device works great for swelling & lymphedema ! check it out...
#sports medicine

Repost by • @wilk_kevin Technology Tuesday: This is a new device called The LymphaTouch Sport, negative pressure device for dynamic cupping therapy…
👉 This device allows the clinician the ability to dial-in the amount of negative pressure up to 350 mmHg...
👉 We are using here on the knee of an ACL reconstructed patient - with the goal to move fluid out of the area and to loosening up tight retinaculum tissue…
👉 We will apply the cupping technique distal to proximal and also perform some cupping proximally stimulating the lymphatic system …
👉 My patients seem to love this device for loosening up tight restricted tissues...I really like this device...the LymphaTouch is from Finland but disturbed by @inreach_health ....
👉 This device works great for swelling & lymphedema ! check it out...
#sports medicine

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This is what a back treatment with LymphaTouch® could look like. Looks comfortable right?

This is what a back treatment with LymphaTouch® could look like. Looks comfortable right?

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LymphaTouch laitteet

About Us

LymphaTouch Oy is a Finnish Health Tech growth company, founded in 2005. Our headquarters in located in Helsinki, Finland.

Our team has a diverse background that combines various areas of health technology, including technical and commercial expertise, as well as experience in clinical rehabilitation.

We aim for helping patients with lymphatic or soft tissue problems